Energy passportisation


Energy certification of residential and public buildings has been effective in Ukraine since April 1, 2007, after the introduction of normative requirements DBN V.2.6-31: 2006 “Thermal insulation of buildings”. Compilation of the energy passport of buildings was optional until 2009.

Since January 1, 2009, the energy passport is a mandatory component of project documentation for residential and public buildings during new construction and reconstruction.

DSTU-N B A.2.2-5: 2008 “Guidelines for the development and compilation of the energy passport of buildings during new construction and reconstruction” came into force on July 1, 2008, which discloses the methodological provisions necessary for calculating the parameters of the energy passport.

The energy passport must be included as a separate document in the section of the project documentation, which is related to the implementation of energy saving requirements and assessment of the energy efficiency of the building.

The energy passport of the building is drawn up by design organizations that have the appropriate licenses during:

  • Development of the project and linking it to the conditions of a specific construction site at the “Working project” or “Working documentation” stage, depending on the category of complexity of the building.
  • Commissioning of the construction object into operation, taking into account deviations from the initial design solutions, agreed upon during the author’s supervision of the construction of the building.
  • Operations, selectively after the annual operation of the building based on the results of the energy audit of the building, conducted by licensed organizations and institutions.
  • Operation, necessarily after the end of the term of effective operation of the heat-insulating shell of the house (enclosure structures) and its elements.
  • Operation, necessarily after violations of the established operating conditions of the building, which are accompanied by damage to the enclosing structures as a whole or their components.
  • Energy certification of buildings involves assigning the house to the appropriate energy efficiency class.
  • The energy efficiency class of the house is indicated by the Latin letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”; with the letter “A” corresponding to the houses with the best energy efficiency indicators, and “F” to the houses with the worst indicators.