Energy saving programs


The development of enterprises in our country has a significant negative impact on the high share of energy costs in production costs, which in industrial enterprises is on average 8-12% and has a steady trend of growth due to large moral and physical wear and tear of the main equipment and significant losses when transporting energy resources.

One of the determining conditions for reducing costs at industrial enterprises and increasing the economic efficiency of production as a whole is the rational use of energy resources. At the same time, the energy-saving way of development of the domestic economy is possible only with the formation and further implementation of energy-saving programs at individual enterprises, for which it is necessary to create an appropriate methodological and methodical base. Postponing the implementation of energy-saving measures causes significant economic losses to enterprises (shareholders) and has a negative impact on the general environmental and socio-economic situation. In addition, the further growth of costs in industry and other sectors of the national economy is accompanied by a growing deficit of financial resources, which delays the renewal of the production base of enterprises in accordance with the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

To prevent financial losses when forming a set of energy-saving measures, it is necessary to develop and improve methods for evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving programs that take into account the multivariate use of investment sources intended for their implementation.

Reducing the energy component in production costs will allow to obtain additional funds to ensure an acceptable level of moral and physical wear and tear of technological equipment.